Privacy Policy

Who we are

Welcome to Cameras4Kidz. We are a 503c charity based in Austin, Texas, which supports young photographers and filmmakers from 7th grade through high school. It is dedicated to ensuring that financial constraints do not hinder the dreams of underprivileged teens. The charity’s initiatives include providing scholarships, fostering artistic development, and building a supportive community.


When you share your thoughts on our articles, we collect the details you enter in the comments section. To enhance our site’s security and identify spam, we also temporarily store your IP address and browser details.

Should you use a Gravatar, we will check to see if it’s linked to your email. You can read about Gravatar’s data policy here. Post-comment approval, your Gravatar image becomes publicly associated with your comment.


We advise against uploading images with embedded GPS data to the website. Such data can be accessed by others who download the images from our site.


By commenting on our site, you have the option to save your name, email, and website in cookies. This is purely for your convenience, sparing you from re-entering your details for future commentary. These cookies will persist for one year.

Our login page sets a temporary cookie to verify cookie acceptance by your browser. It holds no personal data and is discarded upon closing your browser.

For users logging in, we set cookies to manage login credentials and interface customization. Login cookies are removed after two days, while interface cookies last a year. Selecting “Remember Me” keeps you logged in for two weeks. Logging out clears these cookies.

Editing or publishing content triggers a cookie that signifies the ID of the content you interacted with. It’s data-free and expires after 24 hours.

Embedded content from other websites

Articles here might include embedded content (videos, images, articles, etc.) from other websites. These elements work just as they would if you were visiting the source site, which might collect data on you, use cookies, and embed additional third-party tracking.

Who we share your data with

In the case of a password reset request, your IP address will be included in the reset communication.

How long we retain your data

Comments and their related details are kept indefinitely. This enables us to recognize and approve follow-up comments automatically.

For registered users, we also store personal profile information. All users can view, edit, or delete their personal information at any time, but usernames are fixed. Administrators can also view and edit that information.

What rights you have over your data

If you have an account or have left comments, you may request an exported file of the personal data we hold about you, including your input. You can also request the deletion of your personal data. This does not cover data we are compelled to keep for administrative, legal, or security purposes.

Where your data is sent

Comments may be scrutinized by an automated spam detection service.

This policy aims to be transparent about how we handle your data and protect your privacy. If you have questions or need more information, please contact us.

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